whY Owe yoU? When it's all about me...

Yup, this blog is all about me. I talk about random stuff. Maybe one day, I'll talk about you.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021: Not a Very Good Year in the Least


I do NOT see 2021 as a good year for me. Yes, I did great at my previous job (performance-wise), but I wanted something different. So, just like the millions of people who participated in The Great Resignation, I left with zero regrets. I definitely feel that I've regained control of my life — something that I wouldn't trade for anything else.

Another disappointing thing that happened was that I got really sick at the last quarter of the year. I have recovered as of this writing, but this experience has made me realize just how important my life choices are. 

2021 also threw a wrench on my international travel plans. The travel restrictions has made flying out of the country downright inconvenient. Dealing with logistical headaches is the last thing that I want to do.

If there's anything positive I can say with 2021, it's that I'm grateful for knowing how to save money. 

Here's hoping that 2022 is a lot better not only for me, but also for the people around me.