whY Owe yoU? When it's all about me...

Yup, this blog is all about me. I talk about random stuff. Maybe one day, I'll talk about you.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

2023: A Year in Review

2023 was... actually an okay year, but it honestly could be better.

I landed a new job, managed to travel overseas for a short vacation (this is a record for me, because normally you don't get to really go places when you're just a few months into your job), and had a somewhat decent workload. And yes, the work arrangement/setup is undeniably great.

That's the good news.

Then, there's the not-so-great updates.

I obviously didn't enjoy what happened on the third quarter of the year. It just shows that I need to be more decisive if I want things to go my way.

Oh, and there's the fork in the road I'm facing this December. If I accept it, I can use whatever I earn and save up to get to my next goal. Unfortunately, it's not really going to catapult me straight to my goal. It'll make life slightly more comfortable, sure. But it's not comfort I'm after... and I really don't want to prolong progress for the sake of comfort. Then again, if things go south, I can easily bolt outta there and go somewhere else. It'll just be inconvenient for me and the others involved.

Then, there's the decline option. This one is incredibly uncomfortable, as this option takes a lot of guts. Some people will see this as the crazy option. Plus, the work you need to pivot will be a lot. The journey won't be easy. There's a good chance that things will fall apart. If I take the risk, though, there's a good chance that I'll hit my next goal. Also, I don't need to be rolling in the dough if I play my cards right. I have more than enough for me (and never enough for the others, but hey, I need to think about my future for once).

Whatever choice I make will define how I start 2024. Both options have their pros and cons. And yes, there is a time limit. I wonder what choice I'll make...

That's all for now.


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