whY Owe yoU? When it's all about me...

Yup, this blog is all about me. I talk about random stuff. Maybe one day, I'll talk about you.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

2018: A Year in Review

The year was good... for the most part.

Okay, maybe 75% great, 25% not so great. You get the idea. So, to recap:

The start of the year was uneventful.

Then, in June, I traveled to Japan. This is definitely the highlight of my year.

After that, things went downhill for a few months. Office drama and not-so-awesome workload kicked in. Not pleasant at all.

Then, things started to improve on the last quarter of the year. I said to myself, "No matter what happens at work, I'm gonna be fine. If things don't go as planned, I'll look back at what I accomplished, take what I have, and run with it." I have a plan B, in other words.

I'm looking forward to 2019.


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